Embark on an enchanting adventure as you follow two young girls on their quest to become the epitome of fashion in a mystical academy. While one of them attends the renowned Witches' School, the other is determined to master the art of enchantment and create envious styles that even princesses would yearn for. Immerse yourself in the extraordinary realm of fashion, experimenting with intriguing materials such as black leather, satin, and other distinct fabrics to craft breathtaking ensembles that will mesmerize everyone, including the most pampered princes. Prepare to delve into a wondrous world where magic and fashion intertwine at the prestigious School of Magic!
Assist the dynamic duo in their pursuit of style excellence by choosing the perfect combination of makeup, hairstyles, dresses, and accessories. Preserve your artistic creations as PNG images. Employ mouse clicks for computer users or touch controls for touch screens.